Fault Lines By Broken Ink Bottles (In-Progress)(Words: 252,768)

Harry Potter
Female Harry/Lila and Sirius

A thorough Voldemort takes a drastic precautionary step before setting out to the Potters’ on that fateful Halloween night. The world is altered and a reality is torn into two, with very different outcomes. When the two universes re-converge in due time, all hell breaks loose. Sirius X Fem!Harry. Rated M for adult themes and violence.

Favorite Chapters:15,17,23,24,25,27*,30,34,38,41*

Last Chapter Read 41


One comment on “Fault Lines By Broken Ink Bottles (In-Progress)(Words: 252,768)

  1. Hola a mi esa historia me encanto, pero no he podido volver a encontrarla, sabe alguien donde se podría volver a disfrutar


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